ENRICO FAZIO Ensemble | GIROTONDO [We Insist! Records, 2022]


ENRICO FAZIO Critical Mass | WABI SABI [LeoRec, 2019]


Luca Campioni | violin
Anais Drago | violin • 5strings electric violin
Alberto Mandarini | trumpet • flugelhorn
Gianpiero Malfatto | trombone • euphonium • flute
Adalberto Ferrari | clarinet • bass, contrabass & turkish clarinets
Francesco Aroni Vigone | soprano & alto saxes
Gianni Virone | tenor & baritone saxes • lead flute
Enrico Fazio | composition • double bass • electronics
Fiorenzo Sordini | drums • percussion


Valeria Sturba | theremin on track 5
Moustapha Dembèlè | kora • djembe • tamani on tracks 2-3-4-5
Simone Ghio| keyboards (and more…) overdubbing



“Monk believed in the beneficial nature of errors, which opened intriguing perspectives… If you’re not ready to make mistakes, you ain’t going nowhere, right?”  Steve Lacy

According to the tradition, zen masters include a mistake in their works on a voluntary basis, they do it because perfection is a divine feature, not human.
For many years, my interest has been centred on the relation between writing and improvising, which I develop through complex and atypical structures.
This project, just like my last works, has been recorded without any preliminary rehearsals: this allows a more instinctive and creative response on solos welcoming some unavoidable risks, as well. Here is the origin of the title Wabi Sabi, a zen concept to be interpreted as “the beauty of imperfection”.

E=mc2 • dedicated to the amazing musicians who took part in this project; it represents the colour, the energy and joy of this ensemble.
Main solos: Gianni, ts; Alberto, flh; Francesco, as; coll.

Lilo Variations • a cell of the soundtrack of the animation film Lilo & Stitch inspired this track.
Main solos Luca, vl + Anais, el vl; Adalberto, bass cl; Francesco as

A Waltzy Raga • re-editing of one of the tracks I wrote in the ‘80s, an imaginary trip from Mali to India, travelling through Europe, based on alternation of ternary form and 11/8.
Main solos: Moustapha, kora; Gianni, fl; Gianpiero, trb; Luca, vl; Gianni, ts; Anais, vl + Adalberto, turkish cl; coll

Sliding Times • a final theme repeated 9 times, every time a note shifts on the melody line; the initial collective is built on theme fragments, freely re-elaborated by woodwinds.
Main solos: coll; Alberto, tp

Overshoot day • it is the day in which every year – and every year earlier – the world’s renewable resources run out and the natural heritage is undermined; this is my sort of Pithecanthropus Erectus, a tango-like composition in which reckless man moves towards self-destruction disregarding our world’s warnings…
Main solos: Gianni, bs, Luca, vl; Valeria theremin + Francesco, as; Luca, vl; Anais, el vl

Lectio Magistralis • as the title says, a complex song made of polyrhythms and concise writing.
Main solos: Adalberto, cl; Gianpiero, trb; Alberto, tp; coll

A big thank-you to Daniele for the cover photo, to Giulia for this translation, to Pippi for the recording.
My special thanks to my wife Fosca, for her patience and expertise in mixing and for her invaluable
and never-ending support… She dedicated more time and energies to this album than to her poetry.

[English translation – Giulia Bertagnolio]


All music composed & arranged by Enrico Fazio; published by Alissa Publishing/PRS
Recorded on November 2017 at (52+1)Studio, Agliano Terme (AT) Italy
Sound engineer – Pippi Adogontour Leardi & Fosca Massucco
Mixing – Fosca Massucco at (52+1)Studio, Agliano Terme (AT) Italy
Mastering – Maurizio Giannotti at NewMastering Studio (MI) Italy
Cover photo – Daniele Fazio

Produced by Enrico Fazio & Leo Feigin


ENRICO FAZIO Critical Mass – SHIBUI [LeoRecords 2013]



Luca Campioni – violin
Alberto Mandarini – trumpet • flugelhorn
Gianpiero Malfatto – trombone • euphonium • flute
Adalberto Ferrari – clarinet • bass, contrabass & turkish clarinets
Francesco Aroni Vigone – soprano & alto saxes
Gianni Virone – tenor & baritone saxes • lead flute
Enrico Fazio – composition • double bass • balafon
Fiorenzo Sordini – drums • percussion


8. N.O. TAP

This CD is the first part of a larger project, mainly based on my personal approach to composition, developed during many years and through many works: a kind of harmonic and melodic side-slipping applied to different music forms with a dense texture.

Tempus Fugit is a remake of one of my compositions written in the ‘80s, based on a Kurt Weill’s shred (main solos: violin, trumpet, tenor sax).
Effetti Collaterali originates from a bass riff, ending with an extrapolated rhythmic cell by the rock band Colosseum over the riff, with a collective improvisation (main solos: trombone, bass clarinet).
Pianoless starts with a Turkish clarinet solo, while the bass plays mainly in double notes (main solos: Turkish clarinet, violin, alto sax).
Tuttecose comes from a joke of my 4-year-old son, singing into a baby musicbox (main solos: clarinet, trumpet).
Shibui is based on harmonic side-slipping (main solos: tenor sax, contrabass clarinet, violin, drums, trombone, alto sax).
Serial Player is written in twelve-tone technique and the solos stem from the four main series (main solos: baritone sax, collective solos).
Serendipity, according to the title, has two different moods linked by a rhythm pattern (main solos: flute, trumpet, alto sax, trombone, violin).
N.O. Tap is a funny ending, a mixture of side-slipping, tip tap, swing and collective improvisation à la New Orleans.

All music composed & arranged by Enrico Fazio; published by Alissa Publishing/PRS

Overdubbing: Simone Fazio voice, Paolo Rolandi keyboards
Recorded June 2-3 and September 22, 2012 at (52+1) Studio, Agliano Terme (AT) Italy
Sound engineer Fosca Massucco
Mastering Maurizio Giannotti at NewMastering Studio

Produced by Enrico Fazio & Leo Feigin

FRANCESCO ARONI VIGONE TRIO – Ore Blu [Splasc(h) Records 2013]

ore blu

Francesco Aroni Vigone – alto sax
Enrico Fazio – double bass
Fiorenzo Sordini – drums

Splasc(h) Records 2013

ART STUDIO – “RendezVous” [Caligola 2013]

art studio

Francesco Aroni Vigone (alto & soprano sax),
Claudio Lodati (guitar),
Irene Robbins (piano, vocals),
Enrico Fazio (double bass),
Fiorenzo Sordini (drums, percussion).

1) Tumbu
2) Reunion
3) Tip Tap
4) Shorebird
5) Esquinas
6) Gyes
7) Ocean blues

Recorded and mixed at (52+1) Studio, Agliano (Asti), in July 2012

Sound engineer: Pippi “Adogontour” Leardi (tracks 1–6) and Fosca Massucco (track 7)

Mastering: Maurizio Giannotti

Raro esempio sia di longevità artistica che di parsimonia produttiva, l’Art Studio aveva festeggiato nel 2007, con «Trenta_Live in Torino», suo ottavo album ufficiale, i 30 anni di attività discografica. Ma il gruppo s’era addirittura formato tre anni prima, nel 1974, sulla scia dei nuovi fermenti creativi presenti soprattutto sulla scena jazzistica romana e milanese. Sei anni dopo, l’Art Studio si conferma voce più che mai viva e personale del jazz italiano, avvicinandosi quindi nel migliore dei modi, con questo «Rendez vous», lavoro attuale e fresco, al quarantennale. Se si esclude la raccolta «The complete CMC Sessions», con cui Splasc(h) aveva riedito quattro titoli ormai introvabili, pubblicati fra il 1978 ed il 1986 da CMC, questo è il nono lavoro del gruppo, che si ripresenta con molte conferme ma anche con qualche novità. E’ sempre lo stesso, quello delle origini, il trio composto dal chitarrista Claudio Lodati, dal contrabbassista Enrico Fazio e dal batterista Fiorenzo Sordini. E’ nuovo invece l’inserimento del sassofonista Francesco Aroni Vigone – anche lui piemontese, musicista di formazione classica, già componente stabile dei gruppi di Fazio e del trombonista americano Marty Cook – che prende il posto di uno dei quattro storici fondatori, l’eclettico e vulcanico Carlo Actis Dato. C’è poi l’inserimento di Irene Robbins, che diventa il quinto elemento della formazione. Più che di novità, bisognerebbe  però parlare in questo caso di ritorno, poiché la pianista e cantante di Detroit aveva già partecipato, dal 1981 al 1986, a tre importanti lavori del gruppo. La Robbins si ritaglia un ruolo per nulla marginale in questa nuova produzione, non solo suonando in ogni traccia, ma firmando anche due delle sette composizioni presenti. Si arricchisce così la tavolozza dei colori di un progetto che proprio nell’incontro di anime diverse ma complementari – l’etereo free della Robbins, le ipnotiche figurazioni neo–bop di Aroni Vigone e Fazio, il rock sperimentale, quasi crimsoniano, di Lodati – sembra ritrovare un’originale e definita cifra stilistica, non distante da quella che ne aveva decretato il successo di critica negli anni ’80.

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