Formazione base:
Andrea Chenna – oboe/english horn/saxes
Rino Vernizzi – bassoon
Sergey Letov – saxes/clarinets/flutes
Piero Ponzo – clarinets/alto sax
Francesco Aroni Vigone – alto & soprano saxes
Alberto Mandarini – trumpet/flugelhorn
Gianpiero Malfatto – trombone/tuba/flute
Giuliano Palmieri – live electronics
Enrico Fazio – bass/composition/arrangements
Fiorenzo Sordini – drums/percussion
Big ensemble (10 to 20 musicians, according to the projects: K. Weill, C. Mingus, sounds of tales…) born in ’87, with 2 CDs realized and one on print. The band includes top artist on stage, coming from different musical areas (jazz, electronic, classic, ethnic, rock music…). “…a beautiful
spectacle of a fairy tale with romantic, elevating music of E. F. and wonderful soloing… a real fairy tale! (A. Kahn, Jazz forum, Poland). “E. F. ingratiating Favola is loaded with all the mistery, life and pure joy of a good fable nence the aptness of the title… His grasp of orchestration is firm… Employing a large brassy ensemble, Fazio wrings the maximum from his quaint…” (C. Baugher, Cadence, USA). “This is a surprising and excellent re-arrangement of some great music (K. Weill). Fazio has taken material that has been done to death lately, put his own imprint on it and created
worthwhile music..” (R. Iannapollo, Cadence, USA).