Art Studio

Irene Robbins – voice & piano
Francesco Aroni Vigone – alto & soprano saxes
Claudio Lodati – guitars
Enrico Fazio – bass
Fiorenzo Sordini – drums/percussion

Born in ’74, Art Studio is one of the oldest combo actually on stage in Italy, several times recognised as among the best national bands on “Musica Jazz” referendum. Art Studio realized 8 CDs (one more on print). Often a guest singer is added to the basic band, as Irene Robbins, Ellen Christi, Tiziana Ghiglioni, Tiziana Simona. Music strongly based on modern and creative jazz.

Enrico Fazio – Sergey Letov Duo

Sergey Letov – saxes/clarinets/flutes
Enrico Fazio – bass

Two musicians with different culture and musical worlds, with an old friendship and a common love for performance music (theatre, dance, movie, etc…). The music is quite improvised,tuneful and rich of different atmospheres. One CD realized.

Enrico Fazio Ensemble/U.F.O.

Formazione base:
Andrea Chenna – oboe/english horn/saxes
Rino Vernizzi – bassoon
Sergey Letov – saxes/clarinets/flutes
Piero Ponzo – clarinets/alto sax
Francesco Aroni Vigone – alto & soprano saxes
Alberto Mandarini – trumpet/flugelhorn
Gianpiero Malfatto – trombone/tuba/flute
Giuliano Palmieri – live electronics
Enrico Fazio – bass/composition/arrangements
Fiorenzo Sordini – drums/percussion

Big ensemble (10 to 20 musicians, according to the projects: K. Weill, C. Mingus, sounds of tales…) born in ’87, with 2 CDs realized and one on print. The band includes top artist on stage, coming from different musical areas (jazz, electronic, classic, ethnic, rock music…). “…a beautiful
spectacle of a fairy tale with romantic, elevating music of E. F. and wonderful soloing… a real fairy tale! (A. Kahn, Jazz forum, Poland). “E. F. ingratiating Favola is loaded with all the mistery, life and pure joy of a good fable nence the aptness of the title… His grasp of orchestration is firm… Employing a large brassy ensemble, Fazio wrings the maximum from his quaint…” (C. Baugher, Cadence, USA). “This is a surprising and excellent re-arrangement of some great music (K. Weill). Fazio has taken material that has been done to death lately, put his own imprint on it and created
worthwhile music..” (R. Iannapollo, Cadence, USA).

Enrico Fazio Critical Mass

Luca Campioni | violin
Anais Drago | violin • 5strings electric violin
Alberto Mandarini | trumpet • flugelhorn
Gianpiero Malfatto | trombone • euphonium • flute
Adalberto Ferrari | clarinet • bass, contrabass & turkish clarinets
Francesco Aroni Vigone | soprano & alto saxes
Gianni Virone | tenor & baritone saxes • lead flute
Enrico Fazio | composition • double bass • electronics
Fiorenzo Sordini | drums • percussion


Born in ’86 as quintet, the band is actually a nonet named “Critical Mass”, with a few CDs realized.

…some of the most innovative and assured group playing I’ve heard… a delight from start to finish.” (P. Donnelly, Ejazznewws).
This is a fizzing band, full of carnival colours and offbeat energies…: long pieces impressively written, developed and sustained…” (The Penguin Guide to Jazz…, U.K.).
A happy big band sound… loud, fun, accessible stuff, tuneful… lots of european touches too…” (C. Matsumoto, Zookeeper online).
Fazio is one reason why, for this american listener, Italy has one of the world’s must consistently stimulating jazz scenes.” (K. Whitehead, Cadence, USA).
(this CD) is istantly on my best of the list not just for the year but the youthful decade. It has the seminal quality of… recordings that marked their own year and decade with individual imprint in your face.” (L. Van Trikt, Cadence, USA).

Zapping! – Jazz Hot – December 2003 – by Serge Baudot

Article is available only in French.

Enrico Fazio – Zapping
Guide CDs 2004/Chroniques – Spécial 2004 – Supplément disques au n° 606 – décembre 2003/janvier 2004

Sette, Wake Up, Walkabout, Ciao Jack, Kitsch, Igor, Aria pura, Libellula obesa, In vino veritas
Alberto Mandarini (tp, flh), Fabrizzio Bosso (tp, flh), Gianpiero Malfatto (tb, tba, fl), Angelina Perrotta (vln, clav), Francesco Aroni Vigone (s), Carlo Actis Dato (s, cl), Enrico Fazio (b), Florenzo Sordini (dm, perc) Enregistré les 17 et 18 juin 2001 et les 29 et 30 avril 2002 à Calliano (Italie) Durée : 1h 15’ 37’’ – Leo Records 372 (Orkhêstra International).
Enrico Fazio nous avertit : « J’ai pris des centaines d’exemples musicaux de nombreux styles de musiques et je les ai réutilisés hors de leur contexte en une sorte de zapping musical.
En même temps j’ai essayé de préserver mon propre style et l’unité du projet dans un équilibre entre compositions et improvisations.
« Disons-le tout de suite , aussi étrange que cela puisse paraître, le résultat est assez emballant.
L’ensemble fonctionne comme une fanfare, un brass-band, hommage à la tradition néoorléanaise, d’ailleurs le thème «Igor» est plus qu’un clin d’oeil au new-orleans, puisqu’il reprend «Tiger Rag» assez traditionnel, et le déstructure, le reconstruit dans un décalage décapant et enthousiasmant. Il ne s’agit pas de bricolage au sampler mais bien de compositions de Fazio, et son système, décrit assez précisément sur le livret, mérite qu’on s’y intéresse en ces temps de collages musicaux, car il semble bien qu’il y ait là une voie qui permette de s’exprimer. En fait peu importe la technique de création, ce qui compte c’est le résultat. Et ici il est de qualité. Certes le brassband est parfois un peu lourd rythmiquement, mais les solos sont si nombreux et si bons que ça passe bien. Ajoutons la présence de l’excellent Carlo Actis Dato qui ajoute son talent à l’ensemble comme par exemple, au sax ténor, sur «Walkabout», et à la clarinette basse sur « In vino veritas » qui représente un condensé de la mémoire musicale de Fazio. Les musiciens italiens font bouger le jazz depuis quelque temps.

Serge Baudot

Zapping! – EJazz News – August 2003 – Paul Donnelly


ENRICO FAZIO SEPTET : Zapping ! (Leo Records. LR 372)

I’d just been listening to Gianluigi Trovesi’s Ottetto and thinking what great jazz comes out of Italy when this appeared. The recording is sub-titled ‘a recycling project’ by which Fazio means he has sampled selections from many styles of music and re-used them out of context. Not sampled in the sense of merely lifted from one recording and spliced into another though. Whatever the method, the results are quite stunning. Although it says it’s a septet l’ve counted eight people here, playing trumpet, trombone, flute, various saxes, violin, bass and drums. And what they play is a vigorous, bustling collision of ideas and styles. Take ‘Walkabout` as an example, ably opened by Fazio’s agile bass, it revives shades of Monk and features exhilarating solos from Fabrizio Bosso on trumpet and Carlo Actis Dato on sax. But no matter how charged the soloing may be it is always integrated within the overall structure of each piece. There is plenty to take in ali the time. `Ciao Jack’ ‘recycles’ a traditional children’s song, ‘Frere Jacques’, and mainly features Gianpiero Malfatto’s flute giving it a somewhat wistful air. The theme is stated briefly at the close in a tumble of brass. There’s a further chance to spot the ‘recycled’ elements in “Kitsch”, a sort of homage to elements of Italian opera. I don’t know much about that but it certainly has all the swaggering brashness of a Mingus band on the rampage. It ends with a borrowing from Prokofiev and I’m certain that there are dozens of references I haven’t heard. That’s not really the point though because what Fazio’s arrangements do is seamlessly conjoin ali the diverse elements into a joyous celebration of genre. The Prokofiev quote crops up again at the start of ‘ Igor’ which unexpectedly explodes in a Dixie-ish way but also makes passing references to Stravinsky while finding space for a couple of excellent solos from Alberto Mandarini on trumpet/flugelhorn. Elsewhere there are references to Bach, snatches of film, cartoon and dance music rubbing shoulders with some of the most innovative and assured group playing l’ve heard. Perhaps the last word should go to the final track, ‘In Vino Veritas’, a 22 minute tour de force that begins percussively in Africa, takes in a litte Dolhy-esque bass clarinet – truly breath-taking, that is – shakes a híp a little at both Caribbean and Latin scenarios. Ravel and Morricone’s spaghetti westerns get a few bars to themselves too. And, of course, the variety of virtually the whole jazz tradition makes itself felt throughout. You get the picture ? Fazio calls it’a trip in my memory through some soundtracks of my fife’. That’s a fair description and should tempt anyone who wants to hear what is ostensibly a jazz octet tackle anything and everything which is placed at their disposal. A delight from start to finish.

Paul Donnelly

Zapping! – Fenêtre sur Jazz – September 2003 – by Thierry Flammant

Article is available only in French.

Enrico FAZIO Septet – Zapping ! (Leo Records).

Comme toutes les cultures, celle du contrebassiste italien Enrico Fazio ignore les frontières. Les accents baroques par lesquels s’ouvre son « Zapping !» en témoignent et la suite confirme ce qu’il a lui-meme intitulé un « recycling project ». It est question de mémoire et d’humour dans ce qu’on pourrait désigner comme une autobiographie musicale (Frère Jacques y cotoie Monk et Strauss ainsi que Pierre et le Loup…). La section de cuivres y est proprement impression nante, notamment le trombone et le sax baryton.
Enrico Fazio se situe dans le sillage de Carta Bley, Willem Breuker et Nino Rota. Ses compositions et arrangements. parviennent non seulement A associer dans une oeuvre cohérente des parcours musicaux épars et distants mais surtout A les faire converger dans un projet dont [a belle ossature ravira les amoureux de [‘exploration. Point West besoin de preter une oreille attentive pour parvenir A accrocher un accent, une phrase, quelques notes familières tant Fazio les a judicieusement dilués dans un -Zapping !” A la virtuosité jubilatoire (repérez donc Le Bon, le Brute et le Truand quelque part dans In Vino Veritas…). Ces citations qui Wen sont pas tout A fait ne sont pas seulement des clins d’oeil, ou des marques de respect mais des éléments constitutifs A [a fois d’une mémoire et d’une création qui semblent surgir au gré des souvenirs d’enfance et de voyages (Aria Pura). Chaque instrument est ici utilisé avec justesse. Aucun West ignore ni relégué (écoutez le beau tuba de Malfatto et les percus de Sordini), chacun trouve sa place avec sa spécificité, ses sons, l’infini de ses possibilités. Ce brassage fait de cet essai musical un bet hommage A la culture du jazz et dévoile A nouveau [a richesse vivifiante des Italiens.

Thierry Flammant

Zapping! – All About Jazz – July 2003 – by Glenn Astarita

Zapping! – Jazzman – June 2003

Article is available only in French.

ENRICO FAZIO – Zapping !

CHOC jazzman

Pour ce recycling project, le contrebassiste Enrico Fazio se sert de dizaines d’extraits musicaux hors contexte, dans des cadences, des assemblages, des couleurs et des rythmes différents. le résultat est époustouflant, soigneusement élaboré et interprété avec enthousiasme par quelques-uns des musiciens italiens les plus en vue de la scène actuelle: Alberto, Mandarini (trompette), Gianpiero Malfatto (trombone) ou l’inévitabie Carlo Actis Dato (anches) jamais meilleur que dans ce contexte. Francesco Fazio a judicieusement intégré des éléments épars dans un processus de composition orchestrale évoquant le meilleur Willem Breuker. Dans le livret, Fazio donne quelques explications sur le contenu des neuf píèces présentées : baroque, block chords, jazz modal, jingles, rock, films, comptines, classique, opera italien, percussions africaines, musiques traditionnelles et populaires nord-américaines, cartoons, Balkans… Monk, Coltrane, Rota, Schubert, Strauss, Mingus, Altena, Prokofiev, Stravinsky, Joplin, Bach, Ravel, Moussorgskì, Bizet, Morricone, Belafonte … Pourtant, si notre attentìon est constamment sollicitée, ce n’est jamais par un quelconque exercice d’identification. En effet, cette ceuvre ne comporte pas de citations. De matériau composite, elle s’impose paradoxalement par sa cohérence, son unité et la piace qu’elle laisse pour des solos puissants et expressifs. Projet casse-gueule, réussite totale.

Zapping! – Jazzwise – July 2003 – by Duncan Heining

Enrico Fazio Septet
Zapping (a recycling project)

Leo CD LR372
Jazzwise rating: ••••

Enrico Fazio (b), Francesco Aroni Vigone (as, ss), Carlo Actis Dato (ts, bs, bcl), Alberto Mandarini (t, flhn – tracks 5, 6, 9 only), Fabrizio Bosso (t, flhn – tracks 1, 2, 3 ,4, 7, 8 only), Gianpiero Malfatto (tb, tba, f), Angelina Perrotta (v, el. v, vla, P. ky), Fiorenzo Sordini (d, perc, mar, balafon). Rec. tracks 5, 8 & 9 on 17/18 June 2001 and remain on 29/30 April 2002.
The ‘recycling’ in the title denotes the conscious compositional decisions made by Fazio to utilise a range of influences, forms and ideas from Bach to Scott Joplin to Coltrane and to borrow magpie-like from rock, world and film music. There is much to admire here. Carlo Actis Dato is the only player familiar to me but others such as Malfatto and Sordini are certainly his equal. And Fazio is an astute composer/arranger who deploys his troops with military precision. Listen to Perrotta’s violin in the ensemble on ‘Kitsch’, the album’s centrepiece and one of two standout tracks. Falling in with the horns behind Dato’s energetic baritone, it changes and enriches the tone colours subtly. And there’s somethíng Zappa-like about ‘Igor’. ‘Aria Pura’ opens operatically before the marimba enters and it breaks out of La Scala and heads out for the Serengeti. The trombone introduces ‘Libellula Obesa’ before a parade of the heavyweights from Malfatto on tuba and Dato on baritone. ‘In Vino Veritas’ is the other standout. A veritable global tour-deforce drawing on Europe’s classical heritage, on Africa for the roots of this music and on America for their synthesis in the birth of jazz. Fazio even finds room for a snatch of the ‘Banana Boat Song’. Tremendous Stuff.

Duncan Heining